In São Paulo

Good morning, I'm Ricardo, how are you, well, I'm spending my weekend in the great, gigantic city of São Paulo. 

São Paulo is a city full of Opportunities, with almost infinite entertainment options, of course, it has many problems, like the transit, the terrible decadent state of the downtown, and the very expensive prices of things like housing, but still, it’s a great town, that if you’re going to Brazil, in the future, I hope you don’t overlook it, like many people. 

Most people in the outside world forget that São Paulo exists, most people just remember Rio de Janeiro, it’s “Rio de Janeiro” this, “Rio de Janeiro” That, they think there is Rio de Janeiro, and that the rest is just the Amazonian jungle, Indians, and monkeys, they couldn’t be more wrong. 

The Reality is that Brazil is a immense country, full of great cities, and with a very diverse culture, it has problems, we elected a fascist donkey with a bunch of yes man as ministers for example, there’s crime, the people is kind of stupid, and a percentage of the population just seems to feel no empathy whatsoever, oh and we also fucked on the handling of covid-19...twice, but okay, let’s not get political today. 

I love São Paulo, despite not living in there, I don’t know, the opportunities are so infinite, and there’s so many things to do, in my town, there’s not even nearly as much things, there’s almost never any nightclubs, or live shows (not counting the pandemic), and when there are, they’re generally funk (ugh), or sertanejo (UGHH!!), the only restaurants that are there are either shitty, very work directed, or extremely fancy and expensive, yeah, there are coffee stores, and fast foods, and also many parks and festivals, but these things are generally boring to do alone, and the later is cancelled due to COVID, so the only thing that I have is bars, and drinking in the park, and I can’t even get drunk, so it’s not even that fun. 

Sorry, I knew I started talking about São Paulo, then started whining about other things, but it was on my heart, so I hope you understood and liked it.  

If you liked it, like the post on twitter, follow my account and share to your friends, that’s it and BYEEEE. 

